Legal values are from 0 (zero) through one less than the maximum number of the corresponding categories or series. HasLegend Object true to include a legend. Title Object The Chart control title text. CategoryTitle Object The category axis title text. ValueTitle Object The value axis ...
Visualization of the Body M You focus your mind on one aspect of your body, aligning the energies within your body to enhance that element. PZO9472 Visualization of the Mind M You enhance a single aspect of your mind, nurturing and empowering it. PZO9472 Whispering Wind Sends a short messag...
ChartWizard Method CheckSpelling Method ClearToMatchStyle Method Copy Method CopyPicture Method Delete Method Deselect Method Evaluate Method Export Method ExportAsFixedFormat Method GetChartElement Method Location Method Move Method OLEObjects Method Paste Method ...
Epic Feat After casting a Wizard spell, your next melee attack (hit or miss) deals extra damage equal to the spell’s level, of an element related to the spell.BeguilerSource DATPWhen you cast a spell that targets MD, choose one of the following benefits:...
XlChartElementPosition XlChartGallery XlChartItem XlChartPicturePlacement XlChartPictureType XlChartSplitType XlColorIndex XlConstants XlCopyPictureFormat XlDataLabelPosition XlDataLabelSeparator XlDataLabelsType XlDisplayBlanksAs XlDisplayUnit XlEndStyleCap XlErrorBarDirection XlErrorBarInclude XlErrorBarType X...
which got lost in modern era. Kriya yoga got the worldwide reorganization after the coming of book Autobiography of a yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda. According to the book and the legend Kriya yoga was reintroduced by baba ji (immortal saint) to Lahiri Mahasaya in 1861. The science of Kriya...
PjThemeElement PjTimelineInsertTaskType PjTimelineShowHide PjTimescaledData PjTimescaleUnit PjToolbarAction PjUnit PjValueListItem PjVerticalAlignment PjViewScreen PjViewType PjVisualReportsCubeType PjVisualReportsDataLevel PjVisualReportsTab PjVisualReportsTemplateType PjWBSSequence PjWeekday PjWeekLabel ...
XlChartElementPosition Enumeration XlChartGallery Enumeration XlChartItem Enumeration XlChartPicturePlacement Enumeration XlChartPictureType Enumeration XlChartSplitType Enumeration XlColorIndex Enumeration XlConstants Enumeration XlCopyPictureFormat Enumeration XlDataLabelPosition Enumeration XlDataLabelSeparator Enumeration...
The following code example uses theChartWizardmethod to create a 3-D column chart that displays the data series in the range of cells A1 to B5. C# privatevoidCreate3DColumnChart(){this.Range["A1","A5"].Value2 =22;this.Range["B1","B5"].Value2 =55; Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Chart...
XlChartElementPosition XlChartGallery XlChartItem XlChartPicturePlacement XlChartPictureType XlChartSplitType XlColorIndex XlConstants XlCopyPictureFormat XlDataLabelPosition XlDataLabelSeparator XlDataLabelsType XlDisplayBlanksAs XlDisplayUnit XlEndStyleCap XlErrorBarDirection XlErrorBarInclude XlErrorBarTyp...