your website.Whether you start with AI or a template, you can use our intuitive drag and drop editor to customize your site to match your brand. Your site will also be optimized for mobile, but in the editor you have the option to make changes and customize your site’s mobile view. ...
Your mobile editing journey starts by selecting the smartphone icon on the menu. After that, Wix will show you a few details and guide you through the setup to choose how your mobile pages behave. You need to select the menu’s appearance and a few more options before getting to the real...
Wix is one of the rare free website builders that allow direct changes to mobile sites. Not only can you preview your site on those devices, but you can also change all the elements. To start editing your site for mobile, click on the smartphone icon from the top menu. Then, just lik...
along the left, you’ll find a column of buttons that enable you to add and adjust various elements on the page, such as your site’s theme and background. you can also use this menu to add media files to your website, such as images and videos. on the right, you’ll find a ...
<PopoverMenu/> - beta - tabIndex should be of type number #3789 <PopoverMenu/> - beta - fix triggerElement proptype #3812 <DropdownLayout/> - add stopPropagation() to list items #3818 testkit/*.d.ts - add missing entries of testkits #3816 Changed <PopoverMenu/> - beta - expose mo...