corrugata. The existence of a true radula membrane and of membranoblasts and odontoblasts in neomenioids indicates that morphogenesis of the aplacophoran radula is homologous to that in other radulate Mollusca. We conclude from p redness of salivary gland ducts,Amélie H. Scheltema...
Original molluscan radula: comparisons among Aplacophora, Polyplacophora, Gastropoda, and the Cambrian fossil Wiwaxia corrugata . Journal of Morphology . 2003; 257 (2):219–244. [ PubMed ]Scheltema AH, Kerth K, Kuzirian AM. Original molluscan radula: comparisons among Aplacophora, Polyplacophora...
Wiwaxia corrugata and the indisputable polychaetes of the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale, particularly Canadia spinosa, have figured prominently in recent hypotheses about the early evolution of polychaete annelids. Based on similarities between the sclerites of Wiwaxia and the notochaetae of Canadia ...
corrugata - are symmetrically arranged in five distinct zones. They form rows across the body, and were individually added and shed throughout growth to retain an approximately symmetrical body shape. Their development pattern suggests a molluscan affinity. The basic body plan of wiwaxiids is ...