Henry VIII, the notorious English monarch with a tumultuous personal life and political reign, forever changed England’s history through his break from Rome and establishment of the Church of England.
Yet it is a story in which the monarch is increasingly being pushed to the margins; instead, the focus is on his victims. Storytellers are looking at the lives, rather than the grisly deaths, of King Henry's spouses. Many tellings-from an ...
Henry VIII, king of England for 36 years, was a leader of the Reformation. He had six wives, including Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Anne of Cleves and Jane Seymour.
Yes, Henry VIII had many children from different wives. Some were legitimate while many of them were illegitimate. A book with proper description and fascinating detail about the children is given by Alison Weir “The Children of Henry VIII”. Another book which lets us visit the childhood of ...