Broadcaster Christ Bible Church Follow Sermon Activity 160 ( 48 | 112 ) Witnessing in the Checkout LineA testimonial and part instruction giving the believer in Christ an idea on how to witness in everyday life. In this case when you are at the store. Combining the fruit of the Spiri...
An evangelism resources site, Tracts 1 . com is a Christian tracts and Bible study ministry in which the Kenneth Street Tracts Ministry and others join together in the work of God's Earthward Outreach, going to local cities, foreign countries, and the fa
He is surprised when Kelly agrees with him that all the modern Bibles are unreliable, but that God has preserved one Bible that can be trusted: the King James Version. Kelly then points to the Qur`an, that is considered reliable only in the Arabic language. The Muslim admits that he ...
Verse Concepts And he who has seen has testified, and his testimony is true; and he knows that he is telling the truth, so that you also may believe.From Thematic BibleLight, spiritual » Believers' duty performed in » Witnessing Spiritual » Believers' duties performed in the light...
our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, wasburied, androse from the deadaccording to theBible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as yourSavior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved fromjudgmentand spend eternity with God in heaven....
Chick Publications is best known for Chick cartoon tracts. The gospel tracts that people actually like to read! These gospel cartoon tracts are available in over 100 languages and are very popular, with over ONE BILLION sold.
Chick Publications is best known for Chick cartoon tracts. The gospel tracts that people actually like to read! These gospel cartoon tracts are available in over 100 languages and are very popular, with over ONE BILLION sold.
An evangelism resources site, Gospel is a gospel tracts and Christian Bible study ministry in which the Kenneth Street gospel booklets ministry and others join together in the work of God's Earthward Outreach, going to local cities, foreign
Scripture memory will pay greater dividends in your Christian life and ministry than any other form of Scripture intake. Bible at a Glance|Bible In Depth A 4-minute overview of each book of the Bible with LeRoy Eims and a book-by-book study with Ray C. Stedman. ...
Drawing upon his extensive experience of such street ministry, Vince shares with us some practical advice that might help us in our own conversations with people caught up in New Religious Movements that claim the Bible as a foundational text. ...