Functions to help you solve cryptic crossword clues, without giving you the answers. credit This repo is an adaptation ofniallmurphy-ie/Cryptic-Crossword-Companion usage parseClue("Silly twit in charge is initially mystified by repartee")// returns{abbreviations:[{phrase:"in charge",abbreviations...
If you like puzzles, especially the ones with jumbled words then you will like Word Cookies. You are given a bunch of letters and you have to create multiple words using them. You will get a sort of an empty crossword which will give you an idea of the length of the word that you ...
Letters Letum Level Editor Level Editor 2 License For Mayhem Lick Life is a beach Lifebuoys Light Bot Light Bot part 2 Light My Fire Light people on fire Light Up The Sky Light Watch Like Vampire Like Son Limp eskimosa Line Game - Lime Eddition Line Game Orange...