terminatecalledwithoutan active exception Aborted 原因分析及解决方案: 原因就是创建线程后,主线程立马退出。但是子线程还没执行完,子线程被销毁,此时就会出现上述错误。知道了造成错误的原因,那么解决错误的方法自然而然也就可以得出。 解决方法一:主线程等待子线程完成后退出 C++中提供了join()函数,join()函数就是...
简介:关于thread使用的错误:pure virtual method called terminate called without an active exception 今天遇到一个问题,错误提示如下: pure virtual method calledterminate called without an active exception 在网上搜了下,查到的问题原因大多数纯虚函数调用的问题。我程序里确实有纯虚函数调用,但是子类已经将其实现...
至于terminate called without an active exception异常是我将编译器切到gcc-6后,使用std::thread才打印出的异常
今天遇到一个问题,错误提示如下: pure virtual method called terminate called without an active exception 1. 2. 在网上搜了下,查到的问题原因大多数纯虚函数调用的问题。我程序里确实有纯虚函数调用,但是子类已经将其实现了, 并且在调用时,也实例化了子类,没有查到匹配答案。只能进一步查找问题,加调试信息。
main.cpp #include "mainwindow.h" #include <iostream> #include <QApplication> #include "async++.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); auto task1 = async::spawn([] { std::cout << "Task 1 executes asynchronously"...
Description When I use the queue interface to reason, the program can run normally for a period of time, but after a while, it will crash. The error is terminate called without an active exception.I don't know why this problem occurs. I ...
VSCode提示Cannot launch without an active device 我本人是使用VSCode开发的,这哥们有时候抽风,明明已经连接了设备却说找不到 解决办法:终端输入flutter devices查看设备是否已连接,如果有已连接的设备,终端会输出相关设备信息,然后终端输入flutter run -d xxx(设备id),启动相应的设备。
Israel's frequent bombardments of Gaza in recent days. We urge Israel to immediately cease all military operations against Gaza and abandon its offensive plan on Rafah," he said. "Countries with significant influence on Israel should be impartial and play an active role in realizing a cease-...
Windows is to selectStart, and then select an option to turn off or shut down the computer. When you use this standard method, the operating system closes all files and notifies the running services and applications so that they can write any unsaved data to disk and flush any active caches...
Once the request makes it into the worker process, the worker process creates an HttpWorkerRequest object (representing the incoming request) and calls HttpRuntime.ProcessRequest to launch the pipeline. Because of this elegant design, it is possible to call HttpRuntime directly within your own ...