Body ScanBody CompBody SmartAll scales Watches ScanWatch NovaNewScanWatch Nova BrilliantNewScanWatch 2ScanWatch LightFor herFor himWristbandsAll watches Other devices BP Monitors BPM ConnectBPM VisionSoonAll BP monitors Sleep trackers Sleep MultiScan™ ...
ECG功能方面,Body Scan可以通过位于手柄两侧和秤底部的两个电极检测心律失常。未来Body Scan的健康监测功能将与指导、临床专家和整体计划相结合。Withings 计划在获得 FDA(美国食品药品监督管理局)批准后于 2022 年下半年推出,售价为 299.95美元(约合人民币1905元)。
Withings Body Scan智能秤 电子秤 智能体重秤 心脏血管检查 心率监测 身体成分分析 黑色 新款图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
表系列 智能血压测量仪-美国直邮,Body Smart 体重秤 蓝色-直邮,Body Smart 体重秤 白色-直邮,Body Comp-体重秤 蓝色-直邮,Body Comp-体重秤 白色-直邮,Body Scan-智能称-黑色-直邮,Body Scan-智能称-白色-直邮,Withings Thermo-体温计-直邮 图文详情 0...
Why do we use these different categories of cookies and other trackers ? Cookies and other trackers have multiple functionalities, enabling us to achieve different objectives. To simplify your reading, we have grouped them together according to their purpose : ...
CES 2022:Withings发布新Body Scan智能秤 Withings今日(当地时间1月3日)宣布推出一款新的智能秤--Body Scan,这是一款能够跟踪各种跟健康有关的指标的产品。它能监测分段式身体成分、体重、心率和血管年龄,此外还能用6导联心电图评估神经活动和心律。 据了解,Body Scan具有一个钢化玻璃平台,配有一个可伸缩的手柄。
•More than a smart scale, Body Scan is the first connected health station. It bridges the gap between access to breakthrough metrics and integrated support from coaches and health professionals. •The most advanced smart scale ever conceived.Body Scan integrates the breakthrough technology of ...
Meet the Withings Body Scan: an advanced smart scale that takes health tracking to the next level. It shows your weight, segmental body composition and
Body Scan is unique in that it can not only measure your weight like an ordinary scale, with its built-in 6-lead ECG technology, vascular age, and electrodermal activity assessment, you can check on things like your heart health and body fat composition. ...
The Body Scan may be useful for gym junkies aiming to build muscle in specific areas rather than just improve their overall health. Otherwise, the Body Comp or Body Smart should more than suit the average person's needs. Though considering the similarities between the two devices, it does rai...