This paper investigates core semantic properties that distinguish between different types of gradable adjectives and the effect of context on their interpretation. We contend that all gradable adjectives are interpreted relative to a comparison class (van Rooij 2011), and that it is the nature of the...
A significant inverse association between cat and dog ownership and the prevalence of type 1 allergy was found, particularly for those children who had lived with a cat both before age 7 and 8 years and during the next 4 years (OR, 0.44; 95% CI, 0.31-0.61). A similar pattern, although...
In general, males and females in cross-ethnic matings were more similar in personality test scores than males and females who married within their own ethnic groups. Spouse correlations were generally positive but trivial in magnitude, with very little difference in personality between homogamous ...
4. Repertoire sharing in groups. We found the average percentage of the repertoire shared between all pairwise combinations of birds higher (p<0.05, Mann-Whitney rank sum test) for birds within vs across social groups. This result was validated (p<0.05) by 190 Monte Carlo iterations of our...
Once you have built the projects, you can launch the client and use the buttons on the interface to check the interactions between the components and the reception of the events. Theoretically, COMBRIDGE and COMEVENT will not need to be compiled again since they act ...
Results of our global mechanistic experiments support many observational studies documenting positive relationships between heterogeneity and biodiversity but contrast a few studies that have shown unimodal or negative relationships for individual taxa or trophic groups7,10,11,12,13,14,74. Unimodal and ...
Purposes of the article: (1) to discuss the existing trade interdependence between Russia and the EU28, and Russia and China; (2) to try to assess the extent to which the current structure of Russian trade with these two partners corresponds with the competitiveness of the Russian economy. ...
An infection mouse model was used to investigate the difference in virulence between the mastitis isolates (Fig.6). Female CF-1 outbred mice became moribund faster when infected with a higher (1 × 107CFU/mouse; Fig.6A) than with a lower (1 × 106CFU/mouse; Fig.6B) bacterial ...
In this simulation, the proportion of possible samples which would give a significant difference between groups is 0.05. When the null hypothesis is true, this should be equal to the chosen type I error (alpha), which we have taken to be the conventional 0.05. There is no real difference,...
primarily favored competitive mechanisms between phylogenetically distant microbial groups, rather than between closely related taxa. Nonetheless, intra-kingdom competition through antibiotic secretion is known to sculpt bacterial networks in the rhizosphere, since the pattern of co-association was found to ...