Recent analyses develop a more detailed and principled account of the mapping between meaning and surface position, as well as a better understanding of the syntactic origin of adjectives. Bouchard addressed a number of problems with the original N-movement analysis, while at the same time ...
很多基本动词,如do, make, get, put, use等,没有清晰准确的含义,所以在学术写作中要避免使用,而应该选择含义更准确的动词。非学术例句:Researchers first do a small pilot study.学术例句:Researchers first conduct a small pilot study. Read through the followin
The first hormone constituent consists essentially of an estrogen preparation which effects a disturbance of the follicle stimulation; the second hormone constituent consists of an estrogen preparation and a gestagen preparation in a dose at least adequate for inhibiting ovulation. The total number of ...
Indeed, even in Romanian2 (and hence also in the standard written language) there are a number of adverbs such as (de-)abia‘hardly’ and tocmai‘just’ which must always precede the verb (i.a,b; cf. also Cornilescu 2000b, p. 91) and which presumably can be treated as nanoparamet...
There are a number of process options, including ProcessFull, ProcessStructure, and ProcessDefault. Suppose you have a mining structure with two mining models. You can process both models in one batch by fully processing the mining structure and mining models together....
Gender-neutral changes in language have occurred in a number of spaces, policies and practices (Wright & Hearn,2013). For example, in Denmark, ‘domestic violence’ and ‘violence against women’ have been replaced by ‘partner violence’ and/or ‘intimate partner violence’ (Sørensen,2013)....
there might be a neuron representing a word or a specific meaning of a word, but there might be several activations of this neuron, each representing an occurrence of this word within the input data set. A consequence of this decision is that we must give up on the idea of a fixed laye...
Within /wio'in/ a Plant'It's quarter /'kwo:ta/ past seven. Here's Worker No. 55 in his green uniform. He's number的缩写形式going to start work in the plant.2 He works in Workshop 1001 in the Leaf/li:f/. There are 20 to 100 workers in each workshop /'w3.kfpp/. They ...
• Waste, as defined in Directive 2008/12/EC, since this is not a substance, mixture or article within the meaning of Art. 3 REACH. 豁免REACH的适用以不影响以下法规为前提: • 欧盟劳动法规,包括:指令89/391/ EEC,98/24/EC与2004/37/EC ...
2d as a function of the number of pedestrians in the arena (Ped). These figures confirm the transition towards a state of CW or CCW collective vortical circulation as the density increases, provided that the pedestrian–wall interaction is dissipative. Otherwise (\(\gamma =0\)), values of ...