Expanded withholding tax is to be paid by the withholding agent, and should contain the accumulation of all the monthly funds taken from the tax payer’s income. Whether you use atax calculator in the Philippinesor not, these are all the new things you should know about Expanded Withholding ...
You can only view the withholding tax values when creating or editing a payment. When saving a bill payment record, a bill credit is created with withholding tax regardless of the approval status. The computation of withholding tax only works when processing transactions through the following ...
Total salary = (Monthly Basic Pay + Additional Pay) – (SSS + PhilHealth + PAG-IBIG + Deductions Due to Absences/Tardiness) Reference of computing: https://www.taxumo.com/tax-computation-philippines/ Payroll Account History Application previously computed payroll of the employees recorded into ...