To withdraw your PF amount online, you need to have an active Universal Account Number (UAN) linked with your Aadhaar and bank account. The UAN serves as a unique identifier for your PF account and facilitates seamless transactions. If you haven’t already activated your UAN or linked your A...
My frend told me she heard from radio that a new bankruptcy law may come out, this law allow...
马来西亚公积金会员的户口分为两种,即第一户口(Account 1)和第二户口(Account 2)。第一户口的存款数额佔了整个户口的70%,而第二户口佔了30%。² EPF几岁可以拿钱? 当年满55岁时,我们的会员正式进入退休年龄。经过多年的退休储蓄增长,您现在可以选择如何管理您的退休基金,可以全额提款,也可以灵活提款。 第一种...