Withania kansuensis睡茄 相似单词 Withania睡茄属 最新单词 filamentsaturation怎么翻译及发音n. 见temperature saturation filamentous怎么翻译及发音a. 细丝状的,如丝的,纤维所成的 filamentation是什么意思及反义词丝状形成 filamentary的中文解释a. 细丝的,单纤维的,似丝的 ...
The meaning of WITHANIA is a small genus of Old World tropical shrubs (family Solanaceae) having woolly leaves and clustered bell-shaped flowers with an enlarged fruiting calyx and including one plant (W. coagulans) used in the East Indies as a substitut
读音:美英 withania somnifera基本解释 催眠睡茄 分词解释 Withania睡茄属 withania somnifera是什么意思 withania somnifera怎么读 withania somnifera在线翻译 withania somnifera中文意思 withania somnifera的解释 withania somnifera的发音 withania somnifera意思是什么 withania somnifera怎么翻译 withania somnifera的中文翻译 witha...
Withania somnifera【医】 南非醉茄(茄科) Withania kansuensis睡茄 相似单词 Withania睡茄属 最新单词 counterflow scavenging的中文意思逆流换气 counterflow rapid action mixer的中文意思逆流快速拌和机 counterflow mixing是什么意思及用法逆流式拌和 counterflow jet condenser的中文释义逆流注水冷凝器 ...
Withania reichenbachii Withania reichenbachii是植物界被子植物门木兰纲蔷薇亚纲菊超目茄目茄科睡茄属植物。
NeoPlanta Withania技术手册说明书
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( 2012 ). Withania may exert a number of anti-proliferative effects besides its protective role in SLE. Withaferin A and withanolide are both extracted from Withinia. Of these, withaferin A is the most potent though withanolide also exhibits growth inhibiting activity (Choudhary et al. 2010...