①at new:控制级操作。AT NEW f. "内表行操作时若f字段及其之前的字段值有任何一项与前一行不同,则执行语句块 <statement> ENDAT.②table_line:当内表整行都由基本类型字段组成时,将内表整行作为关键字。
WITH UNIQUE KEY carrid connid fldate, group TYPE TABLE OF group WITH EMPTY KEY. DATA(display_members) = abap_false. cl_demo_input=>request( EXPORTING text = `Display Group Members?` CHANGING field = display_members ). DATA(out) = cl_demo_output=>new( ). ...
accessed by an ABAP program using Open SQL. A: Database view B: Projection view C: Help view Entity view 6. Page footers are coded in the event: A: TOP-OF-PAGE. B: END-OF-SELECTION. C: NEW-PAGE. END-OF-PAGE. 7. Assuming tab1-fld7 is not a key field, how can you prevent...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, this happens bcoz : the table can contain only single row with a unique primary key. if you try to add one more row with the same primary key ,this error will come.. To remove the error you can use keyword ' ACCEPTING DUPLICATE KEY ' while ...
步骤4 –在ABAP编辑器中编写以下代码。 REPORT ZINTERNAL_DEMO. TYPES: BEGIN OF CustomerLine, Cust_ID TYPE C, Cust_Name(20) TYPE C, END OF CustomerLine. TYPES mytable TYPE SORTED TABLE OF CustomerLine WITH UNIQUE KEY Cust_ID. WRITE:/'The mytable is an Internal Table'. ...
ABAP Daemon session ID:Unique key of the ABAP Daemon session. ABAP Daemon Name:It has a non-unique, technical name, which is set by the application that has started the daemon. The name is used to identify the ABAP Daemon or a group of multiple ABAP Daemons. ...
WITH UNIQUE KEY carrid connid fldate.SELECT carrid connid FROM spfli INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE entry_tab WHERE cityfrom = p_city.SELECT carrid connid fldate FROM sflight INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE sflight_tab FOR ALL ENTRIES IN entry_tab “看这里的效果,能直接与内表的字段...
If we make time takes by mix keys as 100%, the time taken by unique keys would look like this: And on graph .. More Performance Tuning tips in ABAP Check out the other threads to learn more Performance Tuning in ABAP: TIMESTAMPFIELDlv_sta_time.SORTlt_mix_matnrsBYmatnr.LOOPATlt_mix...
WITH UNIQUE KEY material. lo_mdg_api->retrieve_entity( EXPORTING iv_crequest_id = VALUE #( ) "Initial CR, means read all iv_entity_name = cl_mdg_bs_mat_c=>gc_entity_name_mat "Material it_key = lt_material_keys "Material in current CR ...
if yes my derived result may or may not be right. 2) or should i declare as "WITH NON-UNIQUE SORTED KEY field2_field3 COMPONENTS field2 field3. 3) Because i will have to read the itab with field2 or field3 several times in my code. ABAP Development abap technical...