句首:当“with the help of”位于句首时,它通常作为句子的状语,强调帮助的重要性或来源。例如:“With the help of my teacher, I passed the exam.”(在老师的帮助下,我通过了考试。) 句中:当“with the help of”位于句中时,它通常紧跟在主语或动词之后,作为修饰成...
下面是一些例句,展示了with the help of的不同应用场景和意义。 1. With the help of my friends, I was able to move into my new apartment in just one day. (在朋友的帮助下,我只用了一天就搬进了新公寓。) 2. With the help of advanced technology, scientists were able to discover a new ...
当要表达“在某人的帮助下”时用with one's help。当要表达借助某人/某物时用with the help of sb/sth。 With one's help意思是“在某人的帮助下”,其中的one's是形容词性物主代词或名词所有格。 With the help of则是加名词性物主代语或名词。 with the help of sb. == with one’s help 在某人...
with the help of用法: help用作名词的基本意思是“帮助,援助”,可以是物质上的,也可以是精神上的或经济上的,With the help of是加名词性物主代语或名词。 例句: He descended the ladder with the help of his mother. 在妈妈的帮助下,他从梯子上爬了下来。 扩展资料 Let him work out with the help...
The wind was strong. We struggled our way aheadwith the help ofa safety lamp. 外面风很大, 我们提着保险灯艰难地往前走. 期刊摘选 I then demonstratedwith the help ofthree matches my idea of Poland moving westward. 后来我用三根火柴打比,说明我对波兰向西发展的主张. ...
重点2 with the help of的用法【原文】Organise your ideas with the help of the following outline and make your poster.(教材 p.108)【用法】with the help of sb. /sth 是固定用法,意为“在某人/某物的帮助下” ,此短语可与 with sb. 's/sth. 's help 互换。 如:With the help of my teache...
用with the help of造句 1.我成功地完成了这个项目,得益于我的同事们的帮助,即with the help of my colleagues. 2.我爱好旅游,而且在旅行中总是需要语言翻译的帮助,即with the help of language translation. 3.在学习新知识时,我总是需要书籍和网络资源的支持,即with the help of books and online ...
解析 题目信息不完整,无法提供准确答案。"With the help of"(在……的帮助下)后面通常接名词或者名词短语。例如可以是"With the help of my teacher"(在我的老师的帮助下)或者"With the help of this book"(在这本书的帮助下)等。如果您能补充完整题目缺少的信息,我将为您提供准确答案。
"with one’s help"与"with the help of sb"都表示通过某人的帮助来完成某事或实现某个目标。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。1. 释义区别:"with one's help":表示在某人的帮助下,一起完成某事。"with the help of sb":意为借助某人的帮助,...