Torn off in the howling wind Well with the benefit of hindsight I should have been better prepared All I can do is stop and stare At least I'm right here {i can''t quite make out all the chorus section} 去QQ音乐看翻译歌词设置彩铃下载歌曲猜...
benefit动— 受益动 · 惠及动 hindsight名— 事后聪明名 查看更多用例•查看其他译文 使用DeepL翻译器,即刻翻译文本和文档 随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) whether,with the benefit of hindsight,theFS considered ...
First observation is that it's very hard to find a part of the economy, the part of the knowledge economy that where there isn't an important set of potentially transformative applications of the whole planet play of breakthroughs in AI and so my belief and one that is widely shared is t...
瑞鸿网词典双语例句With the benefit of hindsight, it is clear we ought to have done more.事后看来,我们显然本该做得更多。
Evenwesterners,withthebenefitofa bitofChineseefficiency,disdaintheweaknessof thedemocraticsystem. 即使是西方人,当他们感受到中国式效率的一点好处时,就会蔑视民主体制里的弱点。 2. "Withthebenefitofhindsight,thisis anacquisitionwewishwehadnotundertaken,"the bank'schairmansaid. ...
With the benefit of hindsight, this turned out to be an unfortunate investment. Con il senno di poi, si è trattato di un investimento errato. EurLex-2 We ascribed his sickness to the effects of fever and the sea, but with the benefit of hindsight—” Abbiamo attribuito il suo ...
With the benefit of hindsight, I think we should have bought a bigger house. 回过头看,我觉得当初应该买一栋大一点的房子。 20部热门美剧 课程介绍: 1.课程内容:每天3个无字幕美剧片段,学习台词总量在200~300词左右 2.课程包含:无字幕美剧片段+Penny老师音...
With the Benefit of Hindsight: Why Aerial Battlefield Was to Prove Crucial to Survival; Historian Dr Chris Upton Studies the Odds in the Battle for the Skies over EnglandEuropean historyWomen's studies Coalbeerand steel| Women in a manly cityDortmund 1860s to 1914 ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY ...
with the benefit of historical hindsight , we can all see things which we would wish had been done differently or not at all. 事後回顧歷史,會發現我們都希望可以用不同的方式處理事情,或事情根本無需發生。 複習之前學過的片語 pay tribute to freaked out no big deal out of 造句練習 ...
With hindsight, I shouldn’t have said it, but at the time I was very angry.事后想来,我不应该这样说,但当时我太生气了。 With the benefit of hindsight, I think we should have bought a bigger house.回过头看,我觉得当初应该买一栋大一点的房子。