This parameter is available only when job_direction is set to up during MySQL migration and DR. In the DR scenario, this parameter is mandatory and set to true if the current cloud is the standby in single-active DR. If this parameter is not specified, the default value is true. Default...
donotremove or edit the files or table. Always use theCHANGE MASTER TOstatement to change replication parameters. The replica can use the values specified in the statement to update the status files automatically. SeeSection 5.4, “Relay Log and Replication Metadata Repositories”, for more informa...
This parameter is available only when job_direction is set to up during MySQL migration and DR. In the DR scenario, this parameter is mandatory and set to true if the current cloud is the standby in single-active DR. If this parameter is not specified, the default value is true. Default...
Follow this procedure to set up replication with existing data: If you used MySQL Server's clone plugin to create a clone from an existing replica (seeCloning for Replication), the data is already transferred. Otherwise, import the data to the replica using one of the following methods. ...
The replication generated an error (8524): The DSA operation is unable to proceed because of a DNS lookup failure. REPADMIN reports that a replication attempt has failed with status 8524. REPADMIN commands that commonly cite the 8524 status include, but aren't limited to: REPADMIN /RE...
Check that the source machine is available for replication, specifically: Check that two VMs don't have the same UUID. Refer toAzure Site Recovery VMware-to-Azure: How to clean up duplicate or stale entries. Ensure thevCenter credentialsare correct when you set up the configuration server, by...
sudo su - hn1adm -c "python /usr/sap/HN1/HDB03/exe/python_support/" # | Database | Host | Port | Service Name | Volume ID | Site ID | Site Name | Secondary | Secondary | Secondary | Secondary | Secondary | Replication | Replication | Repli...
Issue Replication timeout occurs during startup of a node with server hinting setting. Starting up some RHDG nodes succeeded, but a specific number of nodes failed to start always with following error. Raw ERROR [] (MSC service thread 1-6) MSC000001: Failed to st...
Please see the guide for information on how to contribute to the development of Joplin: Contributors Thank you to everyone who've contributed to Joplin's source code! laurent22 personalizedrefrigerator tessus CalebJohn pedr roman-...
{"ReplicationGroup":{"Status":"modifying","Description":"One shard, two nodes","NodeGroups": [{"Status":"modifying","NodeGroupMembers": [{"CurrentRole":"primary","PreferredAvailabilityZone":"us-west-2b","CacheNodeId":"0001","ReadEndpoint":{"Port":6379,"Address":"redis12-001.v5r9dc...