AcronymDefinition WRT With Regard To WRT With Respect To WRT Wrought WRT World Rally Team WRT With Reference To WRT Web Runtime (cell phone application) WRT Water Remediation Technology (various locations) WRT Whitewater Resource Toolkit WRT Wireless Router WRT Whitewater Rescue Technician WRT Water ...
We also have to interpret who had these discussions with staff. Earlier the spokesperson had implied that it was the company, referring to it by an acronym and as us, so why not say so? We would suffice. The passive voice is not always a bad idea but here it gives the discussions an...
Withregard to paragraph I.3 (Rightsofuse),theCommittee wished to state that the general reference to the right tousethename, acronym, logoandthedomainnames ofUNESCO granted to the governing bodies, [...] ...
To protect the identities of staff participants, residents, and families, pseudonyms were used in this article. Results Three themes emerged, based on the most imperative facilitators and barriers identified. Themes, facilitators, and barriers are indicated in Table 6, including the acronym of our ...
Explanation: AIDS is an acronym(缩写) for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (获得性免疫缺损综合症). Tr 52、anslation: 对付艾滋病能强化人们之间的友谊,培养感情并使人更 加成熟。 Detailed reading Unit 4 dealing with AIDS Paragraph 2 Question Why did David hang up on the author? Suffering ...
This is now widely recognised by funders, learned societies and scientists themselves and the fundamentals of good data sharing practises have recently been revisited under the catchy acronym FAIR, which stands for data being Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reproducible18. The importance of ...
Each strategy required participants to broaden their evaluation of the event along a different perspective dimension. As a mnemonic aide, the strategies were labelled such that their initial letters made up the acronym ‘STAGE’ (summarized on a cue card given to each participant; see Fig. 1)...
(RCP), which includes both a bond change predictor (RCP-B) and a hydrogen change evaluator (RCP-H); the leaving group matcher (LGM), enhanced with an additional contrastive learning strategy; and the leaving group connector (LGC). It is noteworthy to mention that the acronym MLP stands ...
acronyms with chemical formulae (e.g., “AuNP" is the acronym for gold nanoparticle but is also a valid chemical formula). Usually, context clues are the only way to disambiguate cases like this, and we expect including more training data with acronyms may improve the acronym extraction ...
According to Lien et al. (2016), \(T_{\mathrm{90}}\ \)refers to the duration of the burst over which \(90\%\) of its photon fluence has been emitted. UGTS is a French acronym for the ECLAIRs data processing unit: “Unité de Gestion et de Traitement Scientifique”. BATlightcurves...