As I scratch out this message locked away somewhere in the storage lockers deep within one of the lower wards – which one, I have no clue – I feel pity for these animals because the order and life I’ve provided these people is about to come crashing down hard. There is no ransom ...
which leads to a discussion of the latest political scandal, which is interrupted by another regular demanding assistance with a crossword clue, one element of which leads to a comment about a recent fatal traffic accident in the neighborhood, which som...
The clue is to look for new perspectives when something does not work on the first attempt.” Thus, SL provides the experience of feeling how capacities such as organization, planning, persistence, and perseverance—which are constantly emphasized during the years of study—are essential when ...
Good evening, lunar colonists, and welcome to tonight’s talk. I begin this lecture with the word: host. As in the host that holds the virus, the holy host, or one who hosts his guests for an exploration of Earth histories. As in hostage, someone held against their will as currency ...