=ERROR -i /home/ed/.ssh/google_compute_engine ed@test-cos-beta-101-17162-40-52 -- mkdir /tmp/node-e2e-20230114T231010] E0114 23:10:28.631996 9476 ssh.go:123] failed to run SSH command: out: ssh: Could not resolve hostname test-cos-beta-101-17162-40-52: Name or service not ...
lerna (0 , import_devkit4.createProjectFileMapUsingProjectGraph) is not a function First lint attempt: % npx run lint Need to install the following packages: run@1.5.0 Ok to proceed? (y) npm ERR! canceled npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /Users/trentm/.npm/_...
Message: ERROR Cannot bootstrap Secure Event Connector for tenant: <tenant_name>, bootstrap config file ("/usr/local/Security Cloud Control/es_bootstrapdata") does not exist, exiting. Diagnosis: SEC Bootstrap data file("/usr/local/Security Cloud Control/es_bootstrapdata...
(err: Error, result: teamBuilder.IComposeExtensionResponse, statusCode: number) => void) => { // Check for initialRun; i.e., when you should return default results // if (query.parameters[0].name === 'initialRun') {} // Check query.queryOptions.count and query.queryOptions...
Issue the delete sup-bootdisk: filename or delete disk0: filename command in order to delete the file. Issue the copy tftp sup-bootdisk: command first, then the copy tftp subordinatesup-bootdisk: or copy sup-bootdisk: subordinatesup-bootdisk: command in order to download the image ...
A route named ' ' could not be found in the route collection. Parameter name: name A socket operation encountered a dead network A TCP error (10013: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions) occurred while listening on IP Endpoint=
This is the error when runningpre-commit run --all-files: eslint...Failed- hookid: eslint - exitcode:2Oops!Somethingwent wrong! :(ESLint:8.51.0Error[ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]:Cannotfind package'globals'importedfrom/Users/jkl/Development/foobar/eslint.config.jsDidyou mean toimportglobals/in...
In my case, I created an after_prepare hook to override cordova build process to use the actual versionCode specified in config.xml. I had the same error. I solved it by adding "#!/usr/bin/env node" in my hook file(without quotes) at the top.That resolved everything. Hope it may ...
Error(`Invalid async component load result: ${comp}`);}resolvedComp = comp;return comp;})));};return defineComponent({name: 'AsyncComponentWrapper',__asyncLoader: load,get __asyncResolved() {return resolvedComp;},setup() {const instance = currentInstance;// already resolvedif (resolvedComp...
DISM: Error: 0x800f081f The source files could not be found. Display driver failed to start Display problem - gray bar on top or bottom part of window is displayed - underlying program or desktop is accessible Displaying the machine name on the start menu DistributedCOM Errors (Event ID 10...