the circulation of Reader's Digest had reached one million copies.The Chinese (39)of Reader's Digest was first published in March 1965. The first editor-in-chief was Lin Taiyi, the daughter of Mr. Lin Yutang, master of literature. In November2004, Reader's Digest and Shanghai Press and...
Reporter from ZICC has conducted an exclusive interviewon July 7 with Serik Korzhumbayev, Editor-in-Chief ofDelovoy Kazakhstan Newspaper, who is currently reporting from Astana. Reporter Xu Zhitian
Reporters return, type their stories into the computer and hand them to the editor. The chief editor decides which will be the most important story on the front page. Sometimes this will have to be changed if something more important happens late in the day. Other editors read the stories...
投的是ICPEE 2022,投稿后With editor 7天后直接进入decision in process,这是即将被拒稿吗? 这种情况也有可能是,负责处理稿件的编辑拿不准你这篇文章够不够标准,就会邀请编委来预先对你的稿件进行判断 ⌄看看有没有送审的必要。如果编委认为拒稿,那就拒了。如果编委
E of Reader's Digest was first published in March 1965. The first editor-in-chief was Lin Taiyi, the daughter of Mr Lin Yutang, master of literature. In November 2004, Reader's Digest and Shanghai Press and Publication Bureau announced the 40. F of a long-term publishing cooperation. ...
What are you most looking forward to in your role as Editor-in-Chief? There are many aspects important to great science and there are two, in particular, that I very much look forward to focusing on in my role as EIC. First, I will do everything I can to increase the diversity of ...
根据The chief editor decides which will be the most important story on the front page. Sometimes this will have to be changed if something more important happens late in the day.可知答案。故选A。 根据Other editors read the stories which the reporters have written and make any necessary changes...