under consideration,说明该稿件已经被提交给审稿人或编辑进行评审,正在经历评审过程中。可能是已经送审,...
with editor under considerationwith editor under consideration 正在考虑编辑 重点词汇 editor编辑;记者,编辑;主编;编者;编辑程序;剪接师;剪辑员;校订者;审校者 under consideration在考虑中©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
同样,撤回电子邮件的语气应该尽可能的委婉。 Dear Mr /Ms XXX [editor's Name] I would like to withdraw my manuscript titled XXX Title of paper from further consideration by your journal. The manuscript ID is XXXX and the date of submission was XXXX. Please confirm that the withdraw all process...
under consideration两周了,已经改好下个杂志的格式了,总之不是在改格式就是在投稿。 赞(1) 回应 巧克力咖啡☕️ 2021-10-10 02:07:20 不至于呢!再等等,我投了个两个月都这个状态 赞 回应 下过雨的傍晚 2021-10-15 15:05:47 我也。。最近一篇在editor那等了一个月,然后直接拒了。。 毛球...
一、状态 With Editor 时间过长 如果With Editor状态已持续一两个月,您可以通过电子邮件给期刊以询问进度。 Dear Mr./Ms. XXX [Editor's Name] I have submitted my revised manuscript titled XXXX [manuscript id: xxxx] to your journal via the online submission system on dd/mm/yyyy [date of submissi...
check动— 查动 · 查看动 · 核实动 · 查核动 · 打勾动 · 制止动 · 制伏动 check名— 对照名 · 帐单名 查看更多用例•查看其他译文 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) [...]absence of adequate complementary facilities and detailed consideration, we have reservation to mandatorily implement this proposa...
【参考范文】Dear Editor,I’ve learned that our English Post is being reformed and one of the three columns is to be replaced by a new one. I’m writing this e-mail to share with you my opinions.Needless to say, the columns will definitely be designed according to students’ interest ...