并且WITH子句本身也可以被附加到一个主语句,主语句也可以是SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE或DELETE。 WITH regional_sales AS ( SELECT region, SUM(amount) AS total_sales FROM orders GROUP BY region ), top_regions AS ( SELECT region FROM regional_sales WHERE total_sales > (SELECT SUM(total_sales)/10 FROM...
product,SUM(quantity)ASproduct_units,SUM(amount)ASproduct_salesFROMordersWHEREregionIN(SELECTregionFROMtop_regions)GROUPBYregion, product; with语句与全连接 WITHRECURSIVE included_parts(sub_part, part, quantity)AS(SELECTsub_part, part, quantityFROMpartsWHEREpart='our_product'UNIONALLSELECTp.sub_part, p...
SELECT t.* FROM test AS t ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10 offset 0; 报错信息 ### SQL: SELECT t.* FROM test AS t ORDER BY id DESC limit ? offset ? ### Cause: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "test" does not exist liguanqiao创建了任务5年前 liguanqiao将关联仓库设置为...
WITH RECURSIVE t(n) AS ( VALUES (1) UNION ALL SELECT n+1 FROM t WHERE n < 100 ) SELECT sum(n) FROM t; 其中RECURSIVE是递归的关键字,一定得有这个标识,PostgreSql才知道这个with语句是做递归操作。 需要说明的是union all的选择可以使union,与一般使用union和union all一样前者是去重的,后者是包含...
这个时候就可以使用 PostgreSQL 的 WITH 子句了: WITH dep_with AS ( SELECT "id", "name", "parent_id" FROM department WHERE "id" = 10 ) SELECT dep."name" FROM department dep JOIN dep_with ON dep_with."parent_id" = dep."id" 这么一看好像使用 WITH 子句的代码量并没有比前两种写法少呀...
),limit_tbl2 as ( select id,cerate_time from test_tbl limit 2 ) select test_tbl.id,test_tbl.name from test_tbl where id in (select id from limit_tbl union all select id from limit_tbl2); //with创建临时表结果缓存后,select直接查询临时结果 ...
The following is valid in postgresql but gives an error in JSqlParser WITH updated_rows AS ( DELETE FROM documents WHERE something='something' RETURNING * ) SELECT * FROM updated_rows LIMIT 1000; Error: net.sf.jsqlparser.JSQLParserException: net.sf.jsqlparser.parser.ParseException: ...
对于LINQ的SQL查询,可以使用腾讯云提供的数据库产品 TencentDB for MySQL、TencentDB for SQL Server、TencentDB for PostgreSQL 等进行数据存储和查询操作。这些产品支持高性能、高可用、弹性扩展的特点,能够满足各类应用场景的需求。您可以了解更多详情,请参考腾讯云数据库产品官方文档:腾讯云数据库产品。
f (2 rows) 多个code的场景 digoal=> with recursive sub as ( SELEC id,code,coalesce(case when length(substring(code,1,length(code)-3))=0 then null else substring(code,1,length(code)-3) end,'root') parcode, extend FRO tbl_role WHE code in ('001005','001003') union SELEC d.* FR...
Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn about PostgreSQL data types including Boolean, character, numeric, temporal, array, json, UUID, and special types. PostgreSQL Data TypesOverview of PostgreSQL data types PostgreSQL supports the following data types: Boolean Character types such as char, varc...