We welcome you our new friend to our online home. Our site is a place of peace and refuge from the outside world filled with the Love and Presence of Our Goddess. You will not be judged for you are amongst friends. We offer friendship, fellowship and most of all knowledge. With knowle...
Monthly Moon Phases, Monthly Planting Calendar, Monthly Retrograde Planets, moon phases, Neo-Paganism, New moon, Northern Hemisphere Planetary Positions, Northern Hemisphere Sabbat, Numerology, Numerology Readings, Ogham Readings, Online Witchcraft School, Ostara, Pagan, Pagan Blessings, Pagan Goddesses, ...
says Blake. “It’s a way of looking at the world and how you live your life. It’s a nature-based religion, which means that a lot of it is connected to the cycles of the moon and the cycles of the year."
Sun, Moon Mark Days of Power Wiccans and other pagans follow an agriculturally based calendar for their holidays, called days of power. Most perform 13 full-moon ceremonies, called Esbats, and eight Sabbats, solar festivals that recognize the changing of the seasons. Here are the solar holidays...
Welcome To Witches Of The Craft® We are honored that you have found your way to our door. Please come on in have a cup of freshly brewed tea or whatever you enjoy drinking, a nice snack, and sit with us for a spell, knowledge, rituals, and more. There
Moon as part of that intermediary process – she was called the Mistress of the Moon. Again, in this particular connection between Hecate and the Moon, we see her association as mediary between humanity and divinity. Plato saw the Moon as Hecate’s “lot” – that is – the place in ...