Marnie Piper is the skeptical suburban teenager who discovers she comes from a long line of witches and reluctantly uses magic to stop the Sanderson sisters' evil plans, portrayed with wit by Kimberly J. Brown in the fantasy comedy Hocus Pocus. Though hesitant to embrace her eccentric he...
From Harry Potter to Coven, they were the hero and/or villain du jour. And, while they may no longer have the same cache as a few years ago, that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve our love and affection — especially around Halloween. The unique thing about witches is that, unlike ...
If you're looking to kick off Halloween early, then check out the best witch movies of all time, including Hocus Pocus, Practical Magic, and The Craft.
Debney comments, “Having started my career with HOCUS POCUS 1, what a wonderful bookend to have just completed HOCUS POCUS 2. To re-explore the wonderful world of our beloved witches has been an absolute joy. Working with the amazingly talented director Anne Fletcher, we strove to both capt...
Prepare to make a calming circle, because the Sanderson sisters are stepping into the game world. Disney’s Hocus Pocus: The Game will have you dodging the witches.
Hocus Pocus Hot Chocolate: Rim each glass with black sanding sugar. Garnish with ghost marshmallow Peeps stuck onto black and white paper straws. Hannah’s Halloween Party Tips: • A Halloween party is a great time to have fun with a theme and use whimsical names to label food and beverag...
From Hocus Pocus Played by Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy Long before she hailed the power of the Manolo Blahnik on Sex and the City, Sarah Jessica Parker channeled a different kind of sorcery to make things go her way. These zany witches make Hocus Pocus a Hallowee...
This material has spanned various genres, from horror (e.g. Witchfinder General [1968], The Witch [2015]) through to comedy (e.g. I Married a Witch [1942], Hocus Pocus [1993]). Most of this material is American, resulting in a disproportionate focus on the trials that took place in...