If you wish to romance Triss in The Witcher 3, make sure to kiss her at this point, or she will leave at the end of A Matter of Life and Death. Escort Alber Vegelbud out of the Vegelbud Estate Soon after the timed choice, Albert will come through. Geralt and Albert then switch thei...
在特莉丝角色任务 生死交关 A Matter of Life and Death 与紧接的表白任务 勿失良机 Now or Never 中尽全力帮助特莉丝,并在她将要坐船时表白(大胆说出我爱你) 【如何才算把叶奈法追求到手】 在叶奈法角色任务 最后愿望 The Last Wish 的最后向叶奈法表明依然爱着她 即使做了这个任务,但最后没有承认还爱着...
A Matter of Life and Death An Eye for an Eye A Tome Entombed A Walk on the Waterfront Black Pearl Cabaret Carnal Sins Collect em' All Contract: An Elusive Thief Contract: Deadly Delights Contract: Doors Slamming Shut Contract: Lord of the Wood ...
A Matter of Life and Death Wild Hunt Novigrad A Matter of Life and Death Complete Black Pearl Wild Hunt Novigrad Black Pearl Complete Brothers in Arms: Novigrad Wild Hunt Novigrad Brothers in Arms: Novigrad Complete Cabaret Wild Hunt Novigrad Cabaret Complete Carnal Sins Wild Hunt Novigrad ...
A Matter of Life and Death Now or Never A Deadly Plot The Play's the Thing A Poet Under Pressure Ciri's Story: Breakneck Speed A Dangerous Game Cabaret Carnal Sins Destination The King is Dead The Lord of Undvik Possession King's Gambit ...
A Matter of Life and Death An Eye for An Eye Redania's Most Wanted A Deadly Plot A Dangerous Game Cabaret Carnal Sins A Feast for Crows Novigrad, Closed City Following the Thread Black Pearl A Message From an Old Friend Warehouse of Woe You will see owners and guards quarrelling in front...
Fan Central Current Witcher Wiki Others Like You Viewed Devourer Toderas In the Eternal Fire's Shadow A Matter of Life and Death (The Witcher 3) Practicum in Advanced Alchemy Top Pages this Week Gaunter O'Dimm 1 Essi Daven 2 Ciri 3 Geralt of Rivia 4 Yennefer of Vengerberg 5 Advertise...
However, if you’vesided with Iorveth, you don’t need to do anything other thanwait for Saskia to recover. After theA Matter of Life and Death quest, Philippa starts the process of healing Saskia, who, upon regaining consciousness, offers theVandergrift’s Sword,adding that you could have...
Witcher 3 console commands: Cheat death Who's been cast in The Witcher season 4? Chalotra, Hemsworth, and Batey in a season 4 script reading. (Image credit: Netflix) Season 4 of The Witcher will feature a lot of returning cast including the main trio of Geralt, Yennefer, and Ciri with...
The second of The Witcher 3's two main romances, you first meet Triss in Novigrad. Here's what you need to do to choose her as a partner: After the 'Count Reuven's Treasure' quest, Triss will ask Geralt to come to see her, triggering the 'A Matter of Life and Death' quest whe...