But sometimes after script merger, it become too dark indoors, that I have to use torch indoor to see, and sometimes after another script merger, it works fine (it was the same mods collection, and the same option/priority on merging), so the result after script merging is like a ...
fight, climb small ledges, as well as grab onto things while jumping, without putting his lit torch away. There are even new animations for it. He’ll still put it away while climbing ladders (he’s not a miracle man) but it’s still an ...
从今天(7月18日)起,CD PROJEKT RED正式向Xboxone、PS4和Steam等全平台推送游戏自发售以来最重要的一个补丁,1.07版补丁,该补丁修复了迄今为止所有已知的明显BUG,而这个补丁的容量也高达了7.5G,请《巫师3Witcher3》玩家们及时更新。本次更新加入了杰洛特Geralt全新动作模型、优化了有关道具及素材的整理功能及易用性、...
-> https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/7588?tab=images This mod fixes: Completely fixes Ray tracing shadow pop in issue (with no performance cost) Natural cutscene lighting Characters self shadows fix and quality improvements (cube shadows) Torch and lantern light shadows fix and qualit...
Out of combat, the Witcher can create disturbances in the air that extinguish small flames like torch and bonfires. You blast a 15ft cone with telekinetic force dealing 1d6 force damage .The first two creatures hit within the area must make a strength saving throw against your Sign save DC....
Geralt of Rivia (b. 1160) was a witcher, who was tied to Ciri through the Law of Surprise. While initially reluctant to accept his destiny, Geralt eventually came to terms with his fate. Despite their tumultuous relationship, he also loved the sorceress
It will turn your neighbor Jim who wouldn’t harm an ant into someone willing to go along with torching villages. Because “that’s how things are”…. You mean,just how in olden days war turned men into monsters,so does it happen today?Like nothing has changed about war,nothing ever ...
Version 7.0.10 Download: Manual Last updated 24 May 20249:05PM Original upload 17 December 202212:09AM Created by jgheld and tnovak Uploaded by tnovak Virus scan Safe to use Compilation Gameplay Cheating Unbalanced Overhaul Quality of Life ...
You can't sort your inventory by weight, price, etc. Torches are broken; you constantly put the torch out when you climb something. Very annoying. Then there's the guards who are virtually immortal, which is just silly. The camera is also not very good on PC. Then there's the bug ...