Closed City Wild Hunt Novigrad Closed City Complete Contract: An Elusive Thief Wild Hunt Novigrad Contract: An Elusive Thief Complete Contract: Deadly Delight Wild Hunt Novigrad Contract: Deadly Delight Complete Contract: Doors Slamming Shut Wild Hunt Novigrad Contract: Doors Slamming Shut Complete...
Novigrad, Closed City After completing Get Junior story quest, the city of Novigrad will be closed and Witch Hunters aggression will increase. That's when you can take this quest, when you meet one of the three men, for example near the Catherine Bootlegger (M6,30), who have a key and...
In 1266, while Ciri was training at the Temple of Melitele in Ellander, Geralt left to look for work and took on a contract issued by the Malatius and Grock Company to guard the barge passing on the Pontar Delta between Foam and Novigrad, in an attempt to lure out the mage Rience....
Novigrad, Oxenfurt and surroundings Skellige Islands Interactive Map Map of the Skellige Islands Places of Power Kaer Trolde Map of important locations M13 Map of enemies Map of quests The King is Dead, Long Live The King Echoes of the Past Missing Person, Nameless The Calm Before the Storm Pr...