Achievement Rarity Earned Date Lilac and Gooseberries Find Yennefer of Vengerberg. 91.72% (33.00) Necromancer Help Yennefer extract information from Skjall's body. 63.87% (48.00) A Friend in Need Find and free Dandelion. 69.35% (44.00) Family Counselor Find the baron's wife and daughter...
The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC introduced a bunch of new Gwent cards for you to find. In short, you will be able to discover 11 new Gwent Cards in the Hearts of Stone DLC. Once you find all the Gwent cards in the Hearts of Stone expansion, you will earn theKilled It achieveme...
Complete the following tasks to get the corresponding Achievement on Xbox Live: TitleXbox Live achievements: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Secret Achievement Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. (Secret) Continue playing to unlock this achievement. (Secret) Secret Achievement Secret...
Killed It Win a round of gwent with a total strength of at least 187. 12.21% (181.00) Blood and Wine DLC trophies Trophy Points Rarity Earned Date The Witcher's Gone South Travel to the Duchy of Toussaint. 23.81% (93.00) Last Action Hero Be decorated with the Order of Vitis Vini...
This game is known to be buggy; achievement progress may not track, and/or achievements might not unlock at all. Formerly known as The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition Purchase Options BR Game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Complete Edition ...
Check out theThe Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Walkthroughto find details of how to win78 Achievementsfrom this game, worth a total of4,396 TrueAchievement points (2,000 Gamerscore) Achievement Distribution This is the overall win distribution of theThe Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Achievements: ...
Since before the release of The Witcher 3, CDPR has been open about the fact that Geralt wouldn’t return as the protagonist of whatever comes next in the series. "With the third installment, we should wrap it up and conclude a lot of threads," CDPR's CEO Marcin Iwiński told Polygon ...
This page contains information on theAchievement and Trophiesin TheWitcher 3, and its expansions. TheWitcher 3:Blood and Wine G The Witcher's Gone South Travel to the Duchy of Toussaint G Last Action Hero Be decorated with the Order of Vitis Vinifera ...
↑ Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ↑2.02.1In sequence: Antillean Creole French:Ouw se on coq é coq lá sé rwa an lé pil firmié ay., meaningYou're a cock [rooster] and the cock is king only atop his pile of manure.
It is important to choose the first dialog option when meeting Philippa. If you acted correctly, you will unlock the last of the quests associated with this trophy - Reason of State. Completing it will unlock the achievement. For detailed information on these quests, check out our walkthrough...