Recipe: 3x Leather scraps + 2x Dimeritium ore Steiger Recipe: Leather scraps + 2x Dimeritium ore + 2x Glowing ingot The Digger Recipe: 2x Leather scraps + 2x Dimeritium ore + 2x Glowing ingot Faustino Recipe: 3x Leather scraps + 2x Dimeritium ore + 2x Glowing ingot Relic Weapons Steel...
Required crafting materials: cured draconid leather x1, dimeritium plate x1, monster claw x4, monster blood x2 Number of slots: 2 Armor: 91 (medium weight armor) 5 Toxicity +5% resistance to piercing damage +6% resistance to slashing damage +6% resistance to damage from monsters +25% critic...
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