Locked Achievements Achievement Rarity Earned Date Lilac and Gooseberries Find Yennefer of Vengerberg. 91.71% (33.00) Necromancer Help Yennefer extract information from Skjall's body. 63.98% (48.00) A Friend in Need Find and free Dandelion. 69.28% (44.00) Family Counselor Find the baron'...
Check out theThe Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Walkthroughto find details of how to win78 Achievementsfrom this game, worth a total of4,396 TrueAchievement points (2,000 Gamerscore) Achievement Distribution This is the overall win distribution of theThe Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Achievements: ...
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition was released on August 30th, 2016. How long does it take to complete all the achievements in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition? It takes between 150 and 200 hours to complete the achievements in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete ...
TAGS witcher 3 achievements, witcher 3 blood and wine, witcher 3 trophies Written by: Pavle Djordjevic aka Ketchua Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he...
Secret Achievements in Witcher 3: Base Game Hidden Achievements in Witcher 3: Blood & Wine Secret Achievements in Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone The Witcher 3: Wild Hunthas a number of hidden and secret achievements that will be obscured if the player searches for them on the menu. As such, ...
Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Achievements for Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, The on PlayStation 4 Search Print Additional storage... Easy Crowns... Glitch: Monster Nest Looting... Horse upgrades... Various Trophies... Additional storageUse the following trick to store items that you do not want to ...
TheWitcher 3:Blood and Wine G The Witcher's Gone South Travel to the Duchy of Toussaint G Last Action Hero Be decorated with the Order of Vitis Vinifera G King of the Clink Serve time in Toussaint G A Knight to Remember Obtain a flawless victory in all the competitions during the knight...
The achievements list reveals some very exciting tasks that indicate the immense number of quests available in the game: Lilac and Gooseberries - 15g Find Yennefer of Vengerberg. A Friend in Need - 15g Find and free Dandelion. Necromancer - 15g ...
Achievements Cloud saves Controller support Single-player Languages English audio text Deutsch audio text español audio text Español (AL) audio text français audio text italiano audio text magyar audio text polski audio text Português do Brasil audio text Türkçe audio text český ...
Achievements are now working properly again and will be unlocked if players meet their requirements after installing this patch (PC version). 画面BUG修复: Fixes an issue where interiors would sometimes not display properly on the minimap.