Eclectic Witchcraft brings unique spells and a fresh perspective on paganism, witchcraft, and the occult. Learn something new and witchy every week!
Do not put negative energy into spells or rituals (this is sometimes called “black magick”). Whatever energy you send out into the world will come back to you three times over. Do not spell beg. beginner’s group For those of you who have AOL accounts, there is a scheduled class “...
Now, with theWitchcraft Secret Manual, I am finally putting in writing the Sorceries that have an incredible efficiency demonstrated in the professional world of Wizardry. Yes, the same spells for which people paid a fortune come to your hands today. And this will bring me more of a problem... is one of the largest online resources for Witches, Witchcraft, Wicca, Pagan, Magic (Magick), and Spells. For beginners to adepts.
10 Minute Magic Spells (hc) - Skye Alexander 5 Minute Magic for Modern Wiccans - Cerridwen Greenleaf Amulets & Talismans for Beginners - Richard Webster Ancient Egyptian Magic - Elenor Harris Ancient Magick of Trees - Gregory Michael Brewer Of Angels, Demons & Spirits (hc) - Harms & Clark ...
SpellsOfMagic now has an online store, offering over 9000 wiccan, pagan and occult items. Check it out. CURRENT MOON PHASE TONIGHT'S MOON Waxing Crescent3% Full ASK MORA Question: MEMBERS ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKS Share this page on Facebook Tweet this page on Twitter Share to Pinterest...
~ Work with each planet purely as energy, as the ancient deities they are named for, with the archangels that rule them, or a combination of any ~ Become a confident, powerful, practical planetary magician, and create original spells for healing, success and happiness ...
For example, in this beginners section, I’m talking a lot about correspondences, but also various herbs that you could use in spell craft. I think this is important to know before you jump into heavier styles of spells, because you won’t be able to modify your spell with something that...
Cord Magic: Simple Spells for Beginners to Witchcraft, Raven Willow, 2014 Read on Amazon Sometimes thought of as a specialized branch of magic, cord (or knot) magic is perfect for beginners. Discover the importance of colors, timing, and the Moon phases to help you manifest everything your...
New England in the 1600s was brimming with folk magick practices, a culmination of protective spells and charms to ward against witches and the evil eye, as well as divination practices and so much more. We need only to look to the vast scholarship, and the Salem events themselves, to see...