which –an interrogative pronoun, used in questions about alternatives: Which dessert would you like? Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree witch (wĭch) n. 1. A person, especially a woman, claiming or popularly believed to possess magical...
The meaning of WITCHWEED is any of a genus (Striga) of yellow-flowered Old World plants of the snapdragon family that are damaging root parasites of grasses (such as sorghum and corn) and that include one (S. asiatica) which is an introduced pest in part
The actual meaning of the word Witch is linked to “wisdom,” and is the same root as “to have wit;”“to know.” It comes from the Anglo-Saxon wicce (f) or wicca (m) meaning “wise one,” Witches being both female and male. According to Dr. Margaret Alice Murray, who wrote ...
The meaning of WITCH MOTH is any of various noctuid moths some of which are large and which belong to Erebus and related genera; specifically : black witch.
Natural magic(1570s) also in early usemagic natural(Chaucer) in the Middle Ages was that which did not involve the agency of personal spirits; it was considered more or less legitimate, not sinful, and involved much that later would be explained scientifically as the manipulation of natural fo...
but she’s hard as nails. Yoo Hee tells him she won’t report him to the police as long as he pays her back for her car repairs — a whopping 4,000 manwon (or 40 million won, approx $40,000, which is ridiculous, because why don’t you just buy a new car already?). She wa...
The practice of any of the arts of a witch or the religion of a witch. warlock Wizard; traitor. From Old Englishwærcovenant +-logaone who denies (related toleoganto lie), literally meaning “oath-breaker”. This term reflects medieval Christian propaganda and does not accurately describe...
There's also "which". "I go to the gym which allows me to maintain my health." My car leaked oil the other day which means I need to get it checked. 查看更多回答 Q:請提供關於 witch的例句給我。 A:Awitchis a female wizard or a cursed Halloween woman. However, the spelling "which...
seewitch hazel. *weik-(2) also*weig-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to bend, to wind." It forms all or part of:vetch;vicar;vicarious;vice-"deputy, assistant, substitute;"viceregent;vice versa;vicissitude;weak;weakfish;week;wicker;wicket;witch hazel;wych. ...
She constantly steals or attempts to steal Scrooge McDuck's Number One Dime, which she believes will play a vital role in magically obtaining the same fabulous wealth of its owner. 60 Uncle Arthur Bewitched 547 votes is the uncle of Samantha Stephens and is a warlock. 61 Cho Chang Ha...