The original CH24 Wishbone Chair by Carl Hansen & Son is iconic of the Golden Age of modern Danish design, created by Carl Hansen, the master of Danish chair design.
WEGNER的105年冥诞,WISHBONE CHAIR的制造公司Carl Hansen & Son推出了特别纪念版。这个版本在经典的延续上进行了创新,将标志性Y形靠背下方的座面从纸绳编织改为深红色羊皮。纸绳编织的座垫在弹性上略显逊色,而绵软厚实的羊皮坐垫则增加了座椅的舒适度。这种皮质座面不仅弥补了舒适性的不足,还协调了整体的美感,使WI...
Wegner 为 CARL HANSEN & SON 精心打造,自 1950 年问世以来,其魅力从未减退,成为全球家具收藏家的心头好。🌟 Wishbone Chair 的设计融合了木质饰面与可选颜色的座椅,展现出斯堪的纳维亚设计的独特韵味。它不仅是优雅与永恒设计的象征,更是室内设计的点睛之笔。🌍 这款椅子的生产从未间断,见证了其持久的魅力和...
Wishbone Chair最初于1949年构思,从1950年开始生产,是Wegner为Carl Hansen&Son设计的五把椅子中的第一把。时至今日,这把椅子仍在丹麦的Funen岛上的Carl Hansen&Son的工厂生产。在那里,它的14个部件是手工组装的,而它的纸绳座椅则是用395英尺长的纸绳手工编织而成。在它首次投产70年后,它仍然是一个国际性...
The CH24 Wishbone Chair Frame Oak was designed by Hans J. Wegner for the Danish manufacturer Carl Hansen. This family-owned company has been at the forefront of Danish furniture design since 1908 and was instrumental in the design movement towards simple classics which is so indicative of the ...
购买须知 CH24 WISHBONE CHAIR 椅子 品牌:Carl Hansen & son 产地:丹麦 复制分享 加入购物车 产品尺寸 产品描述 更多尺寸及材质请咨询设计师 相关产品 estella椅子 GIO户外茶几椅子 outdoor-POLTRONA-户外椅子 Munich Armchair椅子 Shine椅子 singer 椅子 Landi Chair 椅子 ACHILLE-CHAIR 椅子 关...
Hans J. Wegner’s Wishbone chair is considered one of the most beautifully designed pieces of furniture ever made. Carl Hansen & Son Collection Through our unique partnership with Carl Hansen & Son, enjoy high-quality designs imported directly from Denmark. View the Carl Hansen & Son Collection...
[Advertisement – this is a paid partnership with Carl Hansen & Son, but all words and opinions are my own] The CH24 ‘Wishbone’ chair is one of the most recognisable pieces of furniture there is, and it’s long been a favourite of mine. So, I was very excited when details of a ...
wishbone--collection--Ansuner Modern designer furniture from Artifort, Bensen, Carl Hansen, Flos, Fritz Hansen, Herman Miller, Kartell, Knoll, Vitra and more.
Wishbone chair replica is popular throughout the world. It is one of the most favorite chair design of our UK, Ireland and Australia's customers.The beauty of wegner wishbone The Carl Hansen wishbone chairs has become an indicator of the simple style furniture since it appeared. It integrated...