How i wish, how i wish you were here 我多么希望,多么希望你就在这里 We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after year 我们只是两个失落的灵魂年复一年地在鱼缸里徘徊 Running over the same old ground 不断地跑过亘古不变的大地 Have we found the same old fears (难道)我们...
创作背景:这首歌首先是对乐队创始成员西德·巴勒特(Syd Barrett)的致敬,他因精神疾病与药物滥用问题于 1968 年离开了乐队。同时也反映了乐队因受到音乐产业与过往成功的压力而感到的挫败,迷茫与分离。《Wish You Were Here》这张专辑的录制过程非常艰难,四名成员很少
How I wish, how I Wish You Were Here 我多么希望,多希望你在这里啊 We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl 我们是两个空游鱼缸中的迷失灵魂 Year after year 一年又接着一年 Running over the same old ground 奔过同一片故熟之地 What have we found?又发现了什么?The same old ...
right now i wish you were here 但现在我希望你就在我身边 damn!damn!damn! 该死的!该死的!该死的! what i'd do to have you here,here,here 我该怎么做才能让你在这,在这,在这 (i wish you were here) 我希望你在这 what i'd do to have you near,near,near 我该怎么做才能让你在我身边,...
Avril Lavigne所演唱的单曲”Wish You Were Here”由Avril与Max Martin、Shellback共同撰写,收录在Avril Lavigne第四张专辑《Goodbye Lullaby》中。Avril接受Billboard杂志采访时表示:“《Wish You Were Here》这首单曲写的是思念曾经的爱人走不出阴影,而不断回忆起过往一起的光阴和美好的时刻。这支MV让我身处其境...
Wish you were here 希望你在这里 So I could prove my love is real 那么我就能证明我的爱是真实的 I need you to be here 我需要你在这里 I'll never let you go again 我将再也不会让你离开 So please come home and stay the night
Right now I wish you were here 但现在我希望你就在我身边 All those crazy things we did 我们做过所有疯狂的事 Didn't think about it just went with it 不愿回想,只想和你相伴 You're always there you're everywhere 你一直在那,你无所不在 But right now I wish you were here 但现在我...
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl 我们只是两个失落的灵魂 在鱼池中游弋 year after year 年复一年 Running over the same old ground 在同样古老的土地上跑过 What have we found? 我们发现了什么 The same old fears 只是相同的古老恐惧 Wish you were here 愿你在此 专辑信息...