Incidentally, the architect who built it must have known his business, for the famous Pharos shed its rays upon the seas for more than sixteen centuries and it was then destroyed only by an earthquake. The Romans(I hardly need say it)were great lighthouse keepers. Only let them construct ...
Close up of the wing of the Phoenix, note the use of various types of waste found around construction projects. The artist used re-bar, flashing, discarded gas bottles and shovel blades among other things to construct his birds. Xu Bing lived in the U. S. for many years, when he retur...
Diocletian was born in Croatia and rose to power through the ranks of the Roman army. During his last ten years as emperor, he commissioned a palace to be built in Split, the remains of which still stand to this day. It was a vast complex, housing his private residence, a temple to ...
Just as the developing rock layers were built up and eroded over time, one day, the geologic history we are interpreting in the Canyon will be scattered by the winds and washed to the sea. It was 1.7 billion years ago that the basement layer, known as Vishnu Schist, was buried many mil...