• A wisdom tooth, if growing at an awkward angle, may rub against the inner cheek, causing sores and irritation and pain in the jaw. • Due to the constant pressure in the mouth, crowding of other teeth may take place. • The flap of gum that is torn when the wisdom tooth com...
I removed my own top left wisdom tooth. It was erupting outward into my cheek, causing constant and multiple ulcers, pericoronitis, as well as the usual teething pain that comes with a wisdom tooth. One day I was in so much agony that I couldn't take it anymore and the next available...
You may not be able to reach your wisdom teeth with your toothbrush or dental floss so food might get trapped around them. Trapped food that builds up over time leads to plaque, which causes gum disease and tooth decay, also known as cavities. Because of the location, your dentist may no...