Wisdom-teeth removal is a rit e of passag e Th e Conversation. But as peopl e in industrialized B. Children ar e afraid of teeth removal.many peopl e in their lat e teens and early 20s. nations hav e started to eat softer foods, we've C. Children don't hav e enough wisdom.why...
There’s not enough room in a child’s jaw for wisdom teeth.”(答案归结为儿童成长。儿童的下颌位置不够长智齿)提到儿童下颌太小,没有空间,C项的But是关键词,与上文是转折关系,即虽然儿童下颌空间小,但是“随着儿童的成长,下颌也会继续发育”,引出下文“So there’s more room for wisdom teeth to ...
infection, and damage to neighboring teeth. Your dentist may recommend wisdom teeth removal to avoid these complications. The most common reasons for wisdom teeth removal are trapped (impacted), crowded, or decayed wisdom teeth.
网络需要拔智齿 网络释义 1. 需要拔智齿 ...治疗,外加稍微复杂的牙科治疗,比如龋齿(Teeth decay),补牙,拔牙等。需要拔智齿(wisdom teeth removal)的同学 … blog.sina.com.cn|基于2个网页 例句
What happens with wisdom teeth removal surgery? Your wisdom teeth removal surgery starts with an exam. TheAAOMSexplains that this helps your surgeon determine the position of your wisdom teeth, whether they’re impacted and how far down the roots have developed. ...
Removal is also called for in cases where fluid(液体)collects around a wisdom tooth that is partly or fully below the gums. If removal is advised ,the best time to do it is before the teeth cause any problems or pain. Young adulthood is usually the best time for wisdom teeth removal, ...
The Pro’’s and Con’’s of Wisdom Tooth Removal Some Pro’’s of Removing a Wisdom Tooth: Wisdom teeth may be hard to access with your toothbrush. Over time, the accumulation of bacteria, sugars and acids may cause a cavity to form in the tooth. If it is not restored with a ...
Removal is also called for i n cases where fluid(液体)collects around a wis dom tooth that is partly or fully below the gu ms. If removal is advised ,the best time to do it is before the teeth cause any problems or p ain. Young adulthood is usually the best time for wisdom teeth ...
Sometimes, impacted wisdom teeth can get stuck beneath the surface of your gums, increasing your risk of inflammation or infection. In this situation, our dentists would recommend wisdom teeth removal. Schedule an Appointment Our Hudsonville, MI, wisdom teeth dentists can protect your smile by ...
What Happens During Wisdom Teeth Removal? Before your wisdom teeth are pulled, the teeth and the surrounding tissue will be numbed with a local anesthetic -- the same type used to numb a tooth prior to having a cavity filled. In addition to the local anesthetic to numb the pain, you and...