[to̳th] (pl.teeth) one of the small bonelike structures of the jaws for biting and mastication of food; they also help in the shaping of sounds and forming of words in speech. Structure. The portion of a tooth that rises above the gum is the crown; the portion below is the root...
Wisdom teeth are the last set of adult teeth to grow. While some people never develop any wisdom teeth, others have problems with impacted, crowded, or decayed wisdom teeth and need to have them removed. This is typically done by an oral surgeon under light to deep anesthesia. Most people ...
Those profound words were what I woke up to yesterday as I brushed my teeth and turned the page of my daily devotional. We’ve all heard them time and time again: “It’s better to give then to receive” but do we really live by them and do we really believe them? Research shows ...
The stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance (Kubler-Ross). Children may get stuck on the sadness part or may have alternating anger and sadness. Melinda: What are some ways that children use their imaginations to handle grief? Dr. Hart: Young children often ...
Our canines are virtually useless to us (and if you try that dumb canine argument, I’d encourage you to google “Gorilla” and see what our cousins’ teeth look like and what they eat), we are not build as predators and have no claws in order to kill with (try taking down an ...