Why should I take out my wisdom teeth in my teens? Extraction at an early age lowers the risk of nerve injury. The best time to take them out is when the roots are not fully grown and they are far away from the nerve. As we get older our body has less capacity to regenerate bone...
1) Healthy 2) Grown completely 3) Positioned correctly and biting properly with opposing teeth 4) Can be easily cleaned as a part of dental routine. If any one of the above are not true, then wisdom teeth should be extracted since: 1) Healthy teeth can be damaged as impacted wisdom teet...
–Since fully impacted wisdom teeth (which have limited potential to decay) were included in this study, one would have to assume that the decay rate for partially erupted lower impacted wisdom teeth would be greater than the numbers stated above.Study #3: Title: Diseases and lesions associated...
Our bodies are meant to be in nature; when they lose touch with the earth, we get lost in our heads and all kinds of illnesses crop up from stress that we can't handle. 14. Clean Your Teeth & Gums –When was the last time you had your teeth cleaned at the dentist? Most people...
According to the statistics, 50 percent of people have wisdom teeth, and in about 16 years old. Since the tooth has not yet been fully formed at the beginning of the tooth, and the removal of the wisdom tooth has prevented the damage to the second molar and the body, it can be said...
As an explanation, dentists sometimes use a “Gow Gates” injection to numb teeth and tissues up. And this injection is given precisely in the area where the lingual nerve branches off of the mandibular nerve. So, one might hypothesize, that an injection is the source of the trauma and you...
Those profound words were what I woke up to yesterday as I brushed my teeth and turned the page of my daily devotional. We’ve all heard them time and time again: “It’s better to give then to receive” but do we really live by them and do we really believe them? Research shows ...
are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.”And for those not of Christ, Matthew 22:12, the Lord said to them, “How come you come not having a wedding garment?” These shall be Verse 13, “Cast into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth...
Every day, I wash my face, brush my teeth, put on Grown Up clothes and shoes. I style my hair and take my pills and listen to music and work. I snuggle with the cat and push him out of the way at least 10 times a day. I talk to Lex. I interact on social media. I read ...
A way he is healthy is that I know he brushes his teeth and does not smell like a pig. My mom is an adult. She’s tall, a bit old, and fully grown. Parents probably seem the most like adults because they have been around longer than you, but not long enough to make them senior...