Wildlife SocietyWinter MeetingManagement and Research PrioritiesA regional symposium was organized to identify the most pressing research and management needs of Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus) in the Upper Great Lakes region. We initially reached out to biologists and managers in Iowa, Michigan, ...
Imgur.com/EDwVwvM The Church of Latter Day Saints was founded in this part of the world, and it does have a pretty big impact on large parts of society here. Not to mention the incredible churches that this denomination builds for its followers. It is a pretty awesome state to pass t...
Boating disturbance of canvasbacks during migration at Lake Poygan, Wisconsin: R. Kahl, Wildlife Society Bulletin, 19(3), 1991, pp 242–248doi:10.1016/0006-3207(93)90227-RELSEVIERBiological Conservation