January 10-12 – Vintage World Championship Snowmobile Derby – Food booth volunteers needed January 17-19 – World Championship Snowmobile Derby – Food booth volunteers needed Contact Club President, Howard Wolfe at 262.442.4876 to sign up for any event. Snowmobile Information: Handy Snowmobile Lin...
A few $50 raffle tickets left. Stop in at the Alley to get yours Soon! Snowmobile Information: Remember if Mother Nature Cooperates we can keep the trails open until March 31st—-you can never count on that happening but trails close then as our easements close. Ride today and work tomor...
January 8 – First Wednesday Ride – Meet at the Historic Railroad Depot on Trail 13 – 9am January 9 – First Thursday Ride – Meet at the Historic Railroad Depot on Trail 13 – 9am January 10-12 – Vintage World Championship Snowmobile Derby – Food Booth Volunteers needed January 17-19...