You can find out with a simple address search; sometimes, you can get it more accessible than others. Or you can also request property information from the Wisconsin department of revenue. There's a free and open search; look for the link "Real Estate Transfer Search" (eRETR) webpage. ...
transfer-on-death designations, and pay-on-death designations—ways your property gets transferred to others while bypassing your will and the probate process. And you’ll learn how to nominate a guardian to care for your children if both parents can’t. You’ll prepare alast will and testa...
On September 27, 2022, an appeal tribunal decision was issued finding that the claimant intentionally concealed work and wages from the department while working as a self-employed real estate agent. The decision resulted in a $1,200 overpayment of LWA benefits. [The appeal tribunal had also con...