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The majority’s misinterpretation of the exemption renders the statute in violation of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution as well as the Wisconsin Constitution. By focusing on whether a nonprofit primarily engages in activities that are “religious in nature,” the majority transform...
The CEIS tool allows schools to record student participation in Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS). Coordinated Early Intervening Services are intended for students who have not been identified as students with disabilities under IDEA and who do not yet have an IEP, but who are determined...
Those who qualify for exemption to own a regulated animal must have registered the animal by March 2, 2005. A person who knowingly violates this law in Minnesota can be charged with a misdemeanor; if an animal causes bodily harm, the owner can also face a prison sentence of up to 90 day...
On June 20th Governor Evers signed into law 2023 Wisconsin Act 12 (the “Act”), which repeals the personal property tax that has long been an administrative burden for authorities and a source of confusion for taxpayers. Under the former provisions, both real and personal property was (and...
TAX STATUS The 2012A Bonds Quarles & Brady LLP, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Bond Counsel, will deliver a legal opinion with respect to the federal income tax exemption applicable to the interest on the 2012A Bonds under existing law substantially in the following form: "The interest on the 2012A ...
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Career Technical EducationCareer Technical Educationuri://dpi.wi.gov/AcademicSubjectDescriptor Personal FinancePersonal Financeuri://dpi.wi.gov/AcademicSubjectDescriptor Recommended ElectiveRecommended Electiveuri://dpi.wi.gov/AcademicSubjectDescriptor
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