The CEIS tool allows schools to record student participation in Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS). Coordinated Early Intervening Services are intended for students who have not been identified as students with disabilities under IDEA and who do not yet have an IEP, but who are determined...
The average monthly enrollment during the study period was approximately 170,000 individuals. Intervention. Print materials for clinicians and consumers distributed to 13 health maintenance organizations (HMOs) serving Wisconsin Medicaid HMO enrollees. Measures. Wisconsin Medicaid pharmacy claims data for ...
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To further explore these findings, the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services initiated matching the state's blood lead test data file with the Medicaid eligibility file, and with the WIC Program enrollment file. This article... S Laflash,M Joosse-Coons,J Havlena,... - 《Wmj Off...
Our primary objective was to describe demographic characteristics and enrollment patterns in a unique 11﹜ear full sample of adult Wisconsin Medicaid beneficiaries with identified autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or intellectual disability (ID). We obtained de﹊dentified Medicaid claims data for adults ...
Medicaid enrollment and claims data were analyzed to compare healthcare utilization 6 months post-release between individuals identifying as Black, White, or other races. The total sample included 15,621 prison releases among 14,400 unique persons with a history of substance abuse. Results Among ...
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course.dualenrollment sequenceOfCourse When a section is part of a sequence of parts for a course, the number if the sequence. If the course has only onle part, the value of this section attribute should be 1 Report the value selected in the SCED Sequence "Part n" field. ...
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Object Data Elements This table describes data elements sent within the Graduation Plans resource. Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementBusiness RulesM, C or O Data Source GUI Path Database Field id The unique identifier of the resource.