Tool Search:CEIS The CEIS tool allows schools to record student participation in Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS). Coordinated Early Intervening Services are intended for students who have not been identified as students with disabilities under IDEA and who do not yet have an IEP, but ...
When a section is created and saved. Section Placement is required in order for the section to send. 1 record will report for each Section and Term Type combination. Do not send records if the Calendar Exclude check box is checked.
Act 185 further expands the Medicaid Program to incorporate and develop the pay-for-performance payment system incentivizing participation in health information sharing to facilitate quality care, reduce costs and increase access to patient information. To effectuate this program, Act 185 allows DHS...
#24. Health care (including Medicaid and Medicare) (tie) - BBB risk index: 2.7 - Share of total scams reported: 1.4% - Share of scams that reported a monetary loss: 12.9% - Median reported loss: $250 Health care scams come in many forms, but all involve someone either wanting your ...
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ActionTrigger PostWhen a Graduation Program is mapped to a Graduation Plan Descriptor in the Ed-Fi Graduation Plan Preferences. The graduation program must be flagged as active to report. The program must have a Category of 'Graduation'.
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