If you have conifers growing on your land, you should be aware of Heterobasidion Root Disease (HRD), formerly known as Annosum Root Rot. This fungus can kill your trees, and once it is established in the soil, there is no known way to get rid of it, according to DNR Forest Health ...
inch snow had covered everything in white. The water upstream of the dam had been slowed to a snails pace and frozen as well. As I walked from the edge of the road to the edge of the stream I continued my investigation. I realized the bark had been chewed off dozens of trees. Branc...
The objective of a drive of this kind was to provide the most effective and scenic highway route that people could use to spend a day or possibly two, seeing the best in the way of natural features in the Kettle Moraine region. (WI. DNR) MORE:4 Of Guy Fieri’s Favorite Wisconsin Joi...
dnr.wi.gov/org/caer/ce/eek/nature/state/index.htm More about the state at: www.wisconsinhistory.org/ SOURCES: AmerBkDays-2000, p. 400AnnivHol-2000, p. 89 STATE OFFICES: State web site:www.wisconsin.gov Office of the GovernorState CapitolPO Box 7863Madison, WI 53707 608-266-12...
Photo byGood Free PhotosonUnsplash 10: Newport State Park With 11 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline, 30 miles of hiking trails, and thousands of acres of forests, the Wisconsin DNR calls this park a "quiet alternative to bustling Door County". ...
• Protective Closure: This area is subject to closure due to habitat protection from December 1 - March 31 annually. For more information, please visit: https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/statenaturalareas/FerryBluff#:~:text=The%20entire%20northern%20uni
4-Pack of Fun Weekend, June 6-7 • Statewide and forests, free fishing, free DNR trails, and free ATV/UTV riding on public trails open to such uses. 888- 936-7463. www.dnr.wi.gov HUDSON Yellowstone Trail Heritage Day: Enjoy the vintage vehicle display, the slow race, historical ...
Photo byGood Free PhotosonUnsplash 10: Newport State Park With 11 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline, 30 miles of hiking trails, and thousands of acres of forests, the Wisconsin DNR calls this park a "quiet alternative to bustling Door County". ...
© Minnesota DNR At Fort Snelling State Park in the Twin Cities, naturalist Kao Thao taps a maple tree. Even if it looks like winter outside, you can count on maple trees to know otherwise. In late February, their sap starts to run, and that's "the sweet good-bye of winter," wri...
dnr.wisconsin.gov The Pottawatomie Lighthouse in Rock Island, Wisconsin was built in 1836 and is the state's oldest lighthouse. The original keeper is buried on the island it sits on, and the lighthouse, as well as the island, has several different spooky experiences to share. ...