One thing to note, if an unmarried couple had children, and paternity has been established by the filing of a Voluntary Paternity Acknowledgment or adjudicated in a court of law with an order establishing paternity being entered, the custodial parent will be entitled to financial assistance from ...
In light of the Department’s “dedication” to charging administrative concealment penalties, the Department also began charging its administrative concealment penalties toLost Wages Assistancethat claimants received (according to Department program integrity staffers, the Department made the decision to cha...
They also provided new information in that a vehicle of interest has been identified and they like additional public assistance in locating Elijah. During the investigation, the following vehicle of interest was identified:1997 four-door Nissan Altima Beige in color Bearing Wisconsin registration beginni...
1) the government is funded by the people, and so the money for all those services and things like roads and infrastructure and police officers have to come from us and 2) the government is made up of people, who do what they can within the rules and li...
"a report prepared or received by any staff at any location at which services, supports, or other assistance is provided to individuals with developmental disabilities; a report prepared by an agency or staff person charged with investigating reports of incidents of abuse or neglect, injury, or ...
It also provides training and technical assistance to Wisconsin's business and industry community. Private colleges and universities include Alverno College, Beloit College, Carroll University, Carthage College, Concordia University Wisconsin, Edgewood College, Lakeland College, Lawrence University, Marquette...
Government employment at the state and local levels continues to decline, illustrating the importance of Federal assistance to state and local governments. Figure 3:Wisconsin government employment, all levels (blue), and state and local (red), all in 000’s, seasonally adjusted. Source: BLS, an...