Wisconsin Circuit Court Access (WCCA), also known as CCAP Wisconsin Supreme Court and Court of Appeals (WSCCA) CAN'T FIND WHAT YOU NEED ON CCAP? CONSIDER SPECIALIZED ACCESS TO WISCONSIN COURT CASE DATA Your business may require specialized access to the Wisconsin CCAP data. Attorneys, academics...
charged with a crime or named in a new case on the Wisconsin state courts website. Each day CCAP Alert reviews your customer, employee or volunteer database for any activity on the Wisconsin Circuit Court Access Program (CCAP) and sends you an email notification with details on the court ...
You are knowing where the case is filed and which court/county. From there, you can check with that court's clerk or online web services that are open to the public, for example, Wisconsin's consolidated court automation programs (CCAP), which is a case management system. That system is...
The CCAP website, Wisconsin Circuit Court Access (WCCA), was designed for the public “need to know,” not for attorney fact-finding or other research. The web site was never intended to serve as a tool for analysis or statistical scrutiny.Innovative...
CCAP is the public access to criminal, civil and other Court records. Circuit Courts ? Wisconsin Appellate Courts Wisconsin Courts of Appeals are intermediate Courts to which cases are appealed. Criminal cases can be appealed by the Defendant or the District Attorney's office. The Appellate ...