Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos speaks about Republican priorities for the upcoming legislative session on Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2024, in Madison, Wis. (AP Photo/Scott Bauer) 3 of 3 | Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu speaks during an interview on Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2024, in...
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Republicans who control the state Assembly were set to vote Tuesday on a bill that would require employers to count a prior COVID-19 infection as an alternative to vaccination and testing.
“We have already seen a shift in the Capitol due to the new maps,” Assembly Democratic Minority Leader Great Neubauer told The Associated Press. She and other Democrats predict it will lead to more pressure from rank-and-file Republicans in competitive districts to ...
At least four other bills dealing with human trafficking have been floating around the Legislature since early 2023, but they have yet to receive a floor vote in either the Assembly or Senate. The proposals would provide criminal immunity for prostitutes under age 18; tighten regulatio...
2011 Assembly Bill 561 There arevarious other Billsrelating to Landlord-Tenant City of Madison: Rental Laws and Regulations(PDF) Lease Application Process & Rental Agreements (Leases) Rights Madison Landlord Tenant Resources Rental Property Emergency Contact Registration is Required ...
Wisconsin Assembly Leaves Bills in LimboAssembly passes limited accountability bill MADISON, Wis. --Conservative Assembly Republicans...Richmond, Todd
Who are your national, state, and local elected officials? How are they are voting on issues that matter to you? How can you reach them with your concerns? For answers to these questions and more, click here:Elections Find Reliable Allies and News Sources ...
And the Wisconsin Assembly and the Senate, both dominated by Republicans,have passed a raft of billsthat would tighten voting laws. Each was vetoed by Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat. But Evers is in a close race for reelection against Republican Tim Michels, who has said that “on day one”...
The Assembly met for the final time last week. The Senate finished its work on 80 bills in a floor period that lasted more than six hours, freeing lawmakers to shift their focus to campaigning for the fall election. The Senate gave final approval to a bipartisan proposal tha...
Democrats are running candidates in every Senate district on the ballot for the first time in 20 years, hoping to capitalize on the new lines that are more favourable to them. They have a legitimate chance at winning majority control of the Assembly, but Republicans are confident they will ho...